Mid Century / Modern Remodel Imperial Beach
Another Green Button Homes redesigned and updated house hitting the market today. I couldn’t be more pleased with our design and how true we stayed to the original concept. This great house in the popular Seaside Point neighborhood in Imperial beach is now For Sale at $659,000-$679,000. The clean white stucco, looming dark grey overhangs, and low pitch roof are classic MCM.
Warm horizontal wood accents on the exterior adds texture and with the awning style bathroom windows and accent color frosted glass front door it really completes such a crispy yet dramatic look. Inside we reversed the normal color palette and went white on the walls and grey on trims.
Exterior colors: Body is Behr Nano White HDC-MD-06. Trim is Behr Cordite Grey HDC-MD-28. Front door is Behr Mermaid Net 480F-4. Horizontal wood is clear Redwood with Cabot Gold Moonlit Mahogany satin stain.
Interior colors: Walls are Behr Nano White HDC-MD-06, Trims are Behr Euro Grey PPU25-17.