It’s really nice to be able to try new materials when you are flipping houses, I’m really happy with the hand scraped and distressed hardwoods as an alternative to what style I usually use. In the big expansive space they look bold and fresh. With the large rooms and white walls I still get the expansive feel but with the warmth of the darker wood. Before nailing down the wood you can see I put down 15 pound felt paper as a moisture barrier. With one helper I installed 1400 s.f. in 3 days. Sub contractors were charging $2-3 bucks a foot so by doing this myself I shaved 3k in expenses. The walls are primer now so you can start to visualize how the white interior paint will look. I chose Benjamin Moore Cloud White and hopefully will get it put up soon.
We also installed the 2 new front fixed windows. I made some historic replicas with the mullion across the top. Now the house is finally aluminum window free and all evidence of the former owners 1980 remodel are removed except for the black interior paint on the staircase handrail which will disappear soon enough. My electrician stopped by and made up all the switches and receptacles so now I can have light inside while we paint. We also spent the majority of last week still re-hanging the original windows and trimming them out, there is so much little stuff to do it really seems like its slowing down but I cant pull in a bunch of subs because it will blow the budget so with the help of my right hand man we are tackling everything ourselves. I ordered the interior pre-hung doors so hopefully next week I can get them in and trim out the whole house with casings and baseboards.
Currently up on deck I’m planning on interior paint, tile and kitchen cabinets. From what I’m noticing on the streets it seems like the market is slowing down and inventory is not moving as quickly, I’m not really bothered by it because we have such a specialty project but if I was one of the high volume, run-of-the- mill San Diego house flippers I would be careful. Home prices are down 8% from last year so its extremely important to use recent comps when looking at investing in San Diego real estate. This is when quality over quantity pays off. We buy houses in San Diego and do the renovations ourself. Let us know if you are thinking of selling.
The interior has a nice modern classic feel. The wood floors really do bring it together. I’m amazed at how much openness you achieved. Very difficult to do in those older compartmentalized homes.
I agree with your comment on the market slowing down – it’s going to be a long cold winter for most home sellers as buyers get even more demanding about what they’re willing to accept.
But the top-notch quality homes should do fine – like yours!
Just briefly to thank you for the great post.
I am the owner of the real estate agency in Croatia, Europe, and I read your post’s with a great interest.
Just keep up with the good work 😉
Holy Cow, Jim The Realtor stopped by! Everyone make sure and get over to Jim Klinge’s killer blog on San Diego real estate, Yea Jim, stuff is still selling, the investor houses I see where guys go the whole 9 yards with new windows, flooring, kitchens and baths seem to be doing fine, its the squeek by, small budget, light cosmetic stuff that I see sitting unsold. And of course you probably are seeing the unrealistically priced retail homeowner listings not moving.
Thanks guys, and Jason, I was lucky that the house had these high ceilings already, it made it easy compared to what we’ve done in the past to work some magic.
Hi Tom…what is the brand and color of the flooring?
Looks nice Tom,
Can’t wait to see it all pulled together!
If you don’t mind, I’d like to come by for a video of this fine lady when you’re done!
@Virginia, that flooring is a whiskey color and I found it at
@JtR That would be great! I’m shooting for September but anything can happen. I’ll let you know before it goes in the MLS and would love the opportunity to reveal it with your video; )