Of course its not done yet but we’re 90% there on our Victorian paint job and its really looking good. The steps and front porch will be green and all the windows are still missing the plum color but if you look closely you can see we put it up on one of the porch windows to get a visual. I still have to figure out which color I’ll bring down to the front door, the decorative brackets as well as the two-toned porch railing I’m still going to make. The last 2 remaining big aluminum windows on the front of the house are also getting changed out this week which will complete the package. I’ve got a guy hand making 2 custom big wood frame plate glass windows with mullions on the top. I honestly thought this color scheme might be too crazy but once it went up it didn’t look that loud at all. They are all rich tones and together work perfectly. The missing plum on the windows is really going to give it the finishing accent it needs. I love the way the sunburst, scalloped shingles and gingerbread all contrast on the green body and trim colors and the light blue front porch ceiling looks great with the greens as well. All the little details I fixed are really standing out now. Here are the 6 colors I used, all from Sherwin Williams Victorian House palette:
1. Body: Renwick Olive SW2815
2. Trim: Rookwood Dark Green SW2816
3. Accent 1 (gable shingles, front door) Rookwood Amber SW2817
4. Accent 2 (sunburst, brackets, porch, rosettes, porch detail) Rookwood Terra Cotta SW 2803
5. Accent 3 (windows) Rookwood dark Red SW 2801
6. Accent 3 (porch ceiling) Bluebird
EDIT 11/2011 If you want to see how the finished house looks here’s a link https://tomtarrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/painted-lady1-1024×751.jpg
I bought the floors this week as well, they will be delivered Thursday and we’ll start installing them. I’m doing something different this time and mixing it up. I went with a more modern 5″ wide hand-scraped and distressed hardwood, kinda Jeff Lewis style from Flipping Out, and on my wall color I’m going to keep it white and clean, just softened up enough to make the white trim contrast. With the smooth hand troweled wall texture its going to look really modern and high end. I think that with the size of the rooms and the abundance of light coming in that these floors are going to be killer even though normally they are reserved for Tuscan or Old World interior designs. Your typical Red Oak flooring with the expansiveness of the space just wouldn’t have given me what I’m looking for. And, at $2.60 / s.f. its more budget friendly compared to unfinished Red Oak at $1.99 plus another $2.00 to finish it. After all, the name of the game is to keep the exterior historic but have the inside modern and up to date. What do you guys think of the colors?
I gotta agree about the colors. When you showed the pallets, I thought they might be a bit extreme. They ended up very good together based on use. The bold yellow ended up very nice. It certainly has a Victorian feel to it.
Tom, the colors look great! I like your plans for the floors and interior colors. Looks like a good price for the product. Are the floors engineered wood or solid? What kind of installation method for them? I love watching you put these old houses back together!
@Travis, thanks! The floors are engineered. They seem like a good line though, the planks are 3/4 thick and the distressing is all hand made so you wont notice any kind of fake pattern. I’m going to nail them down over the existing wood floors which were un-savable. It will serve as my sub floor. For a moisture barrier I’ll roll down 15 pound felt paper first. Thanks for following!
I really like it Tom. Those are great colors for that house. The wood likes like a winner too; very rich feeling with that one.
Lookin good Tom. I always seem to be a bit timid on certain colors but you always seem to pull them off with sweet results. Killer job!
Looks great Tom!
It’s amazing what you have done to this home, especially since it is a restoration. Looks brand new!
So, when are you going to do another bungalow? We love your bungalow redo videos. Looking forward to it!
Thanks for taking the time to comment guys.
@JW, yea these old houses can really hold a lot of color so I always try and use it to my advantage. If you were to ask a homeowner if they wanted 7 colors they would say no but if they saw the house they would probably like it.
@Clint, I’m looking for a bungalow for the next project after this house. I’d honestly like to stick to one story homes, just way easier and really 2 story homes don’t sell as fast. Stay tuned for a California Bungalow!
Well Tom… The jury is out on the yellow…dont know where it will tie into the rest of the picture. Porch?
But I have a professional painter that painted his foundation walls darker than the house and it looks awesome. Try it for a idea..
Great job there Tom. I love the color combination and it looks great with the roof as well. Awesome.
Hi – looking for a color scheme for our folk Victorian and love the amber olive combo. Do you have a pic of the finished house (notice these posts are from 2011). Also, did you contemplate a warm medium brown for your roof? Thinking of doing that with your colors. Thanks!
there is a link on this post to a picture of the completed project. I don’t see a brown tone roof working with green house though.